Logotipo SEIEM
Logroño, septiembre de 2023

Seminario de Investigación II

Retos de la formación del profesorado ante las exigencias de los nuevos currículos.

Luis J. Rodríguez-Muñiz

Coordinador del Seminario.

Luis J. Rodríguez-Muñiz

Luis is a professor of Mathematics Education at the University of Oviedo. His research interests include statistics and probability education, as well as initial and continuous training for mathematics teachers. Regarding the topic of this workshop, he has been actively involved in the working group of CEMat, which designed the document that forms the basis for the new Spanish mathematics curriculum. In recent years, he has also been highly engaged in various professional development programs related to curricular changes in Spain and Andorra. In addition to his SEIEM fellowship, he currently serves as the Second Vice President of the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society (RSME), where he chaired the Education Committee from 2018 to 2022.

Alf Coles

On socio-ecological practices of mathematics teacher education.

Alf Coles

Alf Coles is a Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of Bristol, UK. From a background of being a teacher, he has studied the teaching of mathematics across primary and secondary phases of schooling and the professional development and learning of teachers. With colleague Nathalie Sinclair, he co-wrote a book in 2022 aimed at teachers: “I can’t do maths: why children say it and how to make a difference”. His recent research has taken him in to questions around, what is a socio-ecological practice of mathematics education, i.e., a practice that takes account of the precarity caused by our warming planet.

Profile at Bristol University.

Pablo Beltrán-Pellicer

Exploring the gap between intended and enacted curriculum: perceptions of future and in-service teachers.

Pablo Beltrán-Pellicer

He is a Professor in the area of Mathematics Education at the University of Zaragoza, where he teaches courses in Early Childhood and Primary Education degrees, as well as in the Master's Degree in Secondary Education and Baccalaureate Teaching. In addition, he has been a tenured teacher in Secondary and Baccalaureate Education in Aragon, combining classroom practice at non-university levels with research in didactics for several years. He has collaborated in recent curricular developments in Aragon under the LOMLOE and participates as a speaker in training sessions for teacher centers on curricular elements, learning situations, and formative assessment.

His research lines include teacher training and professional development, analysis and design of didactic sequences and resources, among others. He is a member of the Spanish Society for Research in Mathematics Education, vice president of the Aragonese Society "Pedro Sánchez Ciruelo" of Mathematics Teachers, and a member of the Education Commission of the Spanish Royal Mathematical Society. He collaborates in various activities, such as secondary and baccalaureate mathematics Olympiads and the Mathematical Talent Workshop of the University of Zaragoza. He disseminates information about mathematics education from his Twitter account @pbeltranp and from his website www.tierradenumeros.com, where he maintains a blog and collects his publications.

Maria Mellone

The need and the hope of an institutional path for an initial secondary school teacher training in Italy.

Maria Mellone

My main research interests concern the cultural factors embedded in different mathematics education practices and the mathematics teachers education with particular regard to the development of their interpretative ability of students' productions. Moreover, my focus concerns the ethical dimensions embedded in mathematics education practices and I am involved in several projects that work in disadvantaged social contexts. I am actually the president of the Italian Commission for the Teaching of Mathematics.

Neusa Branco

Practices with technology in mathematics teacher education to face new curricular demands.

Neusa Branco

Neusa Branco is a Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Education and Teacher Training at the School of Education of the Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Portugal. She coordinates the courses for becoming primary school teacher. She participated in research projects in the field of mathematics Education (Project P3M - Professional Practices of Mathematics Teachers) and Eramus+ cooperation projects. She belongs to the governing board of the SPIEM since 2021. As an in-service mathematics teacher educator she joined in 2022-23 the Working Group for Curricular and Professional Development in Mathematics. Her main research lines are teaching-learning of algebra, initial teacher training, integration of sciences and mathematics and ICTs and computational thinking curricular development.